⚫How to buy SHN?
Strategic OTC Deals
For purchases >1m SHN, we are offering strategic OTC deals.
SHN Amount | Discount (slippage included) | Token Vesting |
1m | 15% | 50% - released instantly 50% - 12m linear vesting |
2m | 25% | 50% - released instantly 50% - 12m linear vesting |
4m | 35% | 50% - released instantly 50% - 12m linear vesting |
All strategic OTC deals must be approved by the DAO case by case.
100% of recourses will be used to buy back SHN from DEX via TWAMM-like mechanism.
Strategic SWAP Deals
We are willing to perform strategic token SWAPs with communities that align with our values and have equally promising potential.
All strategic SWAP deals must be approved by the DAO case by case.
Last updated