❔How to lock SHN?

Given that you already have SHN on your Polygon (Matic) Network, you can proceed on the page below:

1. Lock

Enter the amount you want to lock and select the lock time. You will be able to see your initial veSHN balance. After approving a lock, you will be able to create a lock.

2. Stake

In the staking section, you will be able to see base and max APR along with other relevant info. Base APR is representing reward for minimum lock (7 days), and max APR is representing reward for maximum lock (4 years).

Please click β€œSTAKE” to make sure your veSHN is eligible for rewards from rewards contracts.

3. Claim

In the claim section, you will be able to see your rewards and claim them.

4. Withdraw

Withdraw will allow you to exchange your veSHN for SHN once the lock expires. The button will appear once the lock expires.

5. Increase veSHN balance

To increase your veSHN balance you can either lock more SHN or increase the lock.

It should be noted that each account can only have a uniform lock time: A single address cannot lock certain SHN tokens for 2 years then another set of SHN tokens for 4 years etc.

Last updated